Credit Insurance

What is a Credit Insurance?

The Credit Insurance is an instrument the purpose of which is to protect the companies against the risk of non payment of accounts receivable, both in the national and international markets, due to declared insolvency (bankruptcy, suspension of payments with creditors, or other similar situations), or for non payment of credits for more than 6 months.

It is possible to cover credit invoices for assets or services that are commercialized inter companies, on short terms (up to 1 year), or long terms (up to 3 years).

How it works?


The Insured will always maintain a percentage of the credit risk for their own account, the proportion of which will fluctuate between 10 and 20 percent of the limit provided, thereby assuring a close control of credit provision, considering that they maintain direct contact with the client and can therefore perceive any eventual solvency deterioration or changes in payment behaviour.

Global Considerations

The total credit portfolio must be insured, or part thereof, defined based on objective selection criteria agreed between the Company and the Insured.

Risk Analysis

The Risk Analysis Department is highly specialized, and has professionals of high excellence dedicated to analysing and monitoring our Insured's clients, the main purpose of which is to anticipate any possible non payment situation.

We have the largest database in the world covering Chilean risks, which is permanently updated based on financial information, public database information and crossed information, with respect to payment behaviours of the clients with each of their suppliers, which is highly valued by our Insured.

Continental has an Automatic System of Credit Approval Limits, allowing our Insured access to instantaneous online replies through its technological ExtraNet platform.

Types of Credit Insurance

Domestic Credit Insurance

This provides coverage for credit sales within the national market, to legal or natural entities which carry out commercial activities. The Insured's domestic credit portfolio is divided into two types of clients, based on the limit amount of credit awarded to each one, establishing a division that will depend of the spread of the portfolio, which is generally fixed at UF 500.

Export Credit Insurance

This provides coverage for credit sales carried out in the international market (exports under credit conditions), in other words, it covers the Commercial Risk of Exports.

The Export Credit Insurance contributes to the increase of the exporters' sales and incursion into new markets, as it allows them to export under a minimized and defined risk, supported by an experts' credit risk evaluation and the periodic follow up of the situation of clients and collection of outstanding payments that might occur, all of which become more relevant abroad, considering cultural, language and legal differences.

Complementary Services

Evaluation and individual selection of risks

The Company evaluates all the Insured's credit portfolio and provides counselling regarding definition of credit limits to its clients, during the entire policy period.

Portfolio follow up

The Company will notify in case of any situation that it presumes or anticipates will signify payment problems.

Collection in case of loss

The Company will take charge of prejudicial and judicial collection measures and of costs incurred anywhere in the world where there are clients of the insured covered by the policy.


  • Protects creditors against the risk on non payment.
  • The Insured gains a “partner” which assumes the major percentage of risk of accounts receivable.
  • The Insured has backup provided by market studies and analysis of clients provided by an expert agent.
  • Allows anticipation of risk factors by Continental based on important crossed information concerning payment behaviour between their Insured, mainly within the domestic market.
  • Has payment coverage in the majority of worldwide countries.
  • Transforms the accounts receivable into low risk assets and permits the elimination of financial costs for overdue credit payments, ensuring a cash flow and working capital.
  • Allows diminishing of provisions for uncollectable funds.
  • Allows arranging and structuring of credit policies.
  • Facilitates access to financing, as the policy can be endorsed to third parties e.g. Banks and factoring, thereby obtaining bank credits by easier means and with lower costs.
  • Improves the company’s financial classification.
  • Facilitates penetration of new markets.
  • Improves competition in the international market.

Sales Department

Carolina Barceló O.

Sebastián Rodríguez C.

Tania Osnovikoff D.

Agata Flores P.

Fernando Aldunate Z.

Andrés Barahona B.

Karina Maldonado F.

Required information

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